of Gavelware Auction Software Ver 1.43 on Unix server
lUsing an ftp program such as
, make a folder in your cgi-bin called auction. chmod 755l
lUpload all the cgi files to that auction folder and chmod to 755l
lOpen auction.cgi with a text editor such as Cutehtml with line or word
wrap turned OFF.
Set your configuration.
No need to create the folder manually or chmod. the script creates all
necessary folders for you.
This is not a url!!
This a folder path to your data folder!!
Just like windows c:\path\to\folder but with unix there is no drive letter
(c:) and they use forward slashes rather than
A typical unix path would be something like /home/username/Auction_Data/.
You can ask your host for the filepath to your web folder.
Will be something like /home/username/www OR /home/username/public_html OR
/home/sites/username/www OR /home/sites/username/web etc..
We want the data folder to be NON WEB ACCESSIBLE. So if your host allows it the
best place to have the folder is BEFORE www or public_html folder.
So you DONT want it like this /home/username/www/Auction_Data as that would be
accessible to the web!!
You DO want /home/username/Auction_Data
So a good basepath looks like this: (May be different on
your server but same idea)
$config{'basepatha'} = '/home/username/Auction_Data'; #
without trailing slash
$config{'basepath'} = '/home/username/Auction_Data/'; # with trailing slash
If your host does NOT allow you to use folders before the web folder, then I
suggest a new host.
If a new host is not possible then make the folder inside the auction folder you
made in the cgi-bin.
Directories there will not be able to be browsed.
Now use a unique folder name for your data folder like Data527For75mY9AuCtion
and again for reg and account folders
So something like this:
$config{'basepath'} = '/home/username/www/cgi-bin/Data527For75mY9AuCtion/';
$config{'regdir'} = 'R36dRegistration6eT';
$config{'closedir'} = 'Y53T65closed7fOlder';
$config{'accounts'} = 'Htv425user76accounts2see';
$config{'favorites'} = 'jR42favorites88FolDer6';
$config{'user_list_name'} = 'My73Yt9user_list777File';
This way people wont be able to guess the folder names and go straight to a
users reg file or their acct file.
This IS NOT the best method but will due if you just can't get non web
accessible access.
lMail Server setting:
Unix servers use a sendmail program to send mail from scripts.
Just define the PATH to the sendmail program.
You can ask the host for the path.
Most common settings are:(try these first)
$config{'mailprog'} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t';
$config{'mailprog'} = '/usr/lib/sendmail -t';
$config{'mailprog'} = '/usr/bin/sendmail -t';
lNow set your categories, colors, and preferences.
Run the install utility in browser:
You will need to run this again every time you add new categories in order to
create the folders.l
lYour auction should now be ready to go at