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System Requirements lPerl 5l lSendmaill lPERL MODULES LISTED BELOW (not too hard to install)l lExpect.pml lIO-Stty-.02.tar.gzl lIO-Tty-0.03.tar.gzl lIO-1.20.tar.gzl lRequires dedicated serverl lThis has only been tested on Red Hat but should work on most unix systemsl Preliminaries lDetermine the path to PERL 5 on your web server host. Note that some web hosting companies run both PERL 4 and PERL 5. Make ABSOLUTELY sure you are not setting this up under PERL 4. Ask your administrator if you are not sure. l lIf you need to review or learn the basics of CGI and Perl visit the tutoriall lDownload the tarfile for this program and save it to your desktop.l lUnpack the tar archive on your desktop using a program that unpacks UNIX TAR ARCHIVES. If you don't have such a program then download WINZIP FREE from SHAREWARE.COM. l lAfter you have unpacked the TAR archive you will have a collection of folders and files on your desktop. Now you have to do some basic editing of each of these files (or at least some of them). Use a text editor such as wordpad, notepad, BBEdit, simpletext, or teachtext to edit the files. These are NOT WORD PROCESSOR DOCUMENTS they are just simple TEXT files so don't save them as word processor documents or save them with extentions such as .txt or they will NOT WORK. Note that there may be a some files inside of folders which are "blank". This is normal.l Preparing the CGI scripts Define Path To PERL 5 The first step is to open up each and every
#!/usr/bin/perl If the path to perl 5 on your web server is
Configure the .cgi files mkacct.cgi Not much to edit really except this line $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/sbin"; lpath to the useradd program on your serverl Upload Files lUpload filesl lChmod cgi's to 755l lMake sure HTML forms point to scriptsl Using The Program lThere are many ways to employ this program. It is actually a piece of a much bigger program we are writing but since nobody had ever made or released one we decided it would be worth it to release. It's cool but one of those programs only the upper 1% will ever understand why you could use a program like this to make a million bucks.l |