Lemur zaprasza

Linux: A Network Solution for Your Office


Chapter 18: Scheduled Tasks, Scripts, and Programming:
Scheduling Program Execution


Sections in this Chapter:


Scheduling Program Execution





Shell Scripts





Often Used Languages




Chapter 18
Scheduled Tasks, Scripts, and Programming
Under Linux, many system administration tasks can be greatly
simplified through automation. The tools you use include a UNIX daemon that
runs scheduled tasks in the background (crond) and simple programming utilities.

No, I'm not planning to tell you that you need to become
a programmer in order to manage a Linux server effectively. However, it's
always a good idea to know at least a little bit about this subject. Just as
DOS and Windows "power users" are able to automate many simple tasks
using batch files--although it's a little bit of a stretch calling MS-DOS
batch files a form of programming--you'll be able to do tasks more efficiently
under Linux if you know how to create simple shell scripts to automate your
First, let's see how you can automate the execution of scheduled
Scheduling Program Execution

The cron Daemon

Running Commands with at

Many system administration tasks are recurring. Whether it's
the rotation of log files, the creation of weekly backups, or other daily, weekly,
or monthly tasks, you can make your life much easier if you have these programs
execute automatically.
Linux (and indeed, most UNIXes) offer two tools for the scheduled
execution of tasks. The cron daemon lets you schedule
recurring tasks; the at command lets you schedule
the execution of a specific task at a given time.

The cron Daemon
The cron daemon runs in the background.
It regularly checks the contents of the /var/spool/cron
directory ( /var/spool/cron/crontabs on some systems),
rereading any files that have been changed. These files have names that coincide
with user identifiers, and they contain schedules of programs that are to be
executed under those users' names.
For instance, if I want to run a program named myprog, located
in my home directory, once every hour, I could have a crontab
line like this one:
0 * * * * /home/vttoth/myprog

The cron daemon uses a simple, yet
powerful format for schedules. Each line in a crontab
file looks like this:
min hour day mon wday command

The min, hour,
and day arguments represent the minutes,
hours, and day of month, respectively. Each of these arguments can be a single
numeric value, a list of values following a special syntax, or a single asterisk
(meaning any value ).
The aforementioned special syntax is easier to demonstrate via
a few examples than to explain. For instance, you may have the following values
in place of the min field:


At the top of the hour


At the bottom of the hour


At the top and bottom of the hour


At 7, 25, and 42 minutes after the hour


Every 15 minutes


Every 30 minutes, plus every 5 minutes between the 10th
and 25th minutes of the hour

The hour and day
fields follow a similar logic.
mon field represents the month. Three-letter
abbreviations are used--for example, jan, feb,
and so on.
wday field represents the day of the week.
Again, three-letter abbreviations are used, and ranges can be specified. For
example, mon-fri means the five workdays of the
week. If you specify both a day of the month and a day of the week, the scheduled
task will be executed on both dates. Suppose, for example, you have a crontab
entry like this:
0 0 13 * fri /home/vttoth/badday

The program badday will be executed
on both the 13th of the month and every Friday, even if a particular Friday
doesn't fall on the 13th.
crontab entry can be edited or viewed using the
crontab command. To bring up your crontab
entry for editing, type crontab -e . This
will open a copy of your crontab file using the
dreaded vi editor. Note that the file may contain lines that begin with the
pound sign ( #). These lines are considered comment
lines and are ignored by the cron daemon.
When you're finished editing the file, the crontab
command will install your new crontab file automatically.

can also use crontab to simply list the contents
of your crontab file: crontab
.l . Lastly, as the root user, you can edit other users' crontab
files using the .u parameter. For instance, you
may want to edit the crontab file that belongs to
the news or uucp system
accounts in order to alter the respective programs' behaviors.

Running Commands with at
Sometimes you don't want programs to execute repeatedly--rather
only once at a scheduled time. Although the cron
daemon could be used for this purpose, it's not ideal. In fact, strictly
speaking, there's no way to schedule a program to execute just once with
cron; even if you specify an exact minute, hour,
day, and month, the program will be executed again next year at the specified
time, unless you change your crontab file in the
intervening period.
There's a much simpler solution to this problem: the at
command. This command allows you to schedule the one-time execution of a single
command or a series of commands.
The at command executes in conjunction
with the atd daemon, which is another system daemon
that's usually started when the system boots.
The command or commands you want to execute must be placed in
a file. The contents of this file will be executed at the scheduled time by
the /bin/sh shell, just as though you typed the
commands yourself at the keyboard. To schedule execution of a command with at,
at a given time, simply type:
at HH:MM -f command-file

Any output produced by the commands thus executed will be mailed
to the user who scheduled the execution. For instance, if you want to see the
size of user mailboxes in the /var/spool/mail directory
at a later time of the day, you could create a file named viewmaildir
with the following single line as its contents:
ls -al /var/spool/mail

You can then schedule execution of this command at 7 p.m. using
at, as follows:
at 19:00 -f viewmaildir

At the scheduled time, the command will run and the directory
listing will be emailed to you.

Linux: A Network Solution for Your Office


Chapter 18: Scheduled Tasks, Scripts, and Programming:
Scheduling Program Execution


Sections in this Chapter:


Scheduling Program Execution





Shell Scripts





Often Used Languages




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