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[Chapter 5] 5.26 PLVtkn: Token Table Interface Chapter 5PL/Vision Package Specifications 5.26 PLVtkn: Token Table InterfaceThe PLVtkn (PL/Vision ToKeN) package provides an interface to the PLV_token table; the package examines this table to determine whether an identifier is a keyword. See Chapter 10 for details.5.26.1 Package constants c_any CONSTANT CHAR(1) := '%';c_syntax CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'X';c_builtin CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'B';c_symbol CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'S';c_exception CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'E';c_datatype CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'D';c_datadict CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'DD';c_sql CONSTANT CHAR(3) := 'SQL';Each of these constants specify a different type of token or reserved word in the PL/SQL language (except for c_any, of course). They match the values found in the PLV_token_type table. They are used by various programs in the PLVtkn package. c_plsql CONSTANT CHAR(1) := '%'; /* = c_builtin */c_od2k CONSTANT CHAR(4) := 'OD2K';c_of CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'OF';c_or CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'OR';c_og CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'OG';These constants identify different categories or sets of reserved words for the PL/SQL language. The identifier SHOW_ALERT is, for example, a builtin in Oracle Forms, but has no significance in the stored PL/SQL code. Currently PL/Vision is aware of stored PL/SQL and Oracle Forms reserved words only.5.26.2 The keyword record TYPE TYPE kw_rectype IS RECORD (token PLV_token%token, token_type PLV_token%token_type, is_keyword BOOLEAN);A PL/SQL record TYPE defining a record holding information about a token.5.26.3 Determining type of token FUNCTION is_keyword (token_in IN VARCHAR2, type_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_any)RETURN BOOLEAN;General function that returns TRUE if the specified token is a keyword or a reserved word in the PL/SQL language. You can, with the type_in argument, ask if the token is a particular type of token. You can also call any of the following more narrowly defined functions: FUNCTION is_syntax (token_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;FUNCTION is_builtin (token_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;FUNCTION is_symbol (token_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;FUNCTION is_datatype (token_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;FUNCTION is_exception (token_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;Each of these functions returns TRUE if the specified token is an identifier of the type indicated by the name of the function.5.26.4 Retrieving keyword information PROCEDURE get_keyword (token_in IN VARCHAR2, kw OUT kw_rectype);Retrieves all the information about the token provided in the parameter list.5.25 PLVtab: Table Interface5.27 PLVtmr: Program Performance Analyzer O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |