

Lemur zaprasza


Pen Tool Tutorial

I've put together an exercise
for you to try. Firstly save this image and load it up in
Photoshop. To save it, Right Click and
choose "Save As" to download
(Mac: Press and hold mouse button on the image, Select Save from
the popup menu).

Select the
pen tool

Click on Point A.

Now Click on Point B. When
you do, make sure you click and drag, this will make a curve. Drag
until the curved path lines up with the images curve. Doesn't have
to be perfect.

click on Point C. Remember to drag when you click to create a
curve. Shape the path to the images curve as close as you can.

I ended up with a little
space. There are times when it's not always perfect. To fix it,
Hold down the Ctrl. key (Mac: Command) this will make it switch to
the Direct
Selection tool, click on the anchor point I have circled and move
it up a bit so the path meets the edge of the image.

This will help you
understand how the Direct-selection tool works.

on Point D. Drag to fit the curve.

click directly on Point A to connect the path. Remember to drag
and match the curve close as you can.

Again lets make another
adjustment with the Direct-selection tool. Hold
down the Ctrl. key (Mac: Command) and click on the anchor point I
have circled, now move it to the right so it matches the path with the images


adding an anchor to the path using the Add-anchor-point tool. I
have an example on the left of a spot that needed improving.

Once you have added a
point, Press the Ctrl. key (Mac: Command) and move the new anchor
to the images edge.

you're done, you can export the paths to Illustrator or store the
path in the Path Pallet. For more options, select the pen tool and
right click in the center of the image, you'll now see more
options such as Delete Path, Save Path, Fill, Stroke Path or even
make it a selection like I have below.

Right-click in the middle of your connected path, then choose "Make Selection".




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