Copyright 2001 Psybercore, Inc. - All Rights
Selling redistributing or modifying any or
all of the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. You
must obtain written permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or in
any other medium. In all cases copyright and header information must remain intact.
System Requirements
lUnix, NT, Linuxl
lDesigned for Apache Style Logsl
lPerl 5l
lAbility to run crontab recommendedl
lAbility to reset logfiles desiredl
lDetermine the path to PERL 5 on your web
server host. Note that some web hosting companies run both PERL 4 and PERL 5.
Make ABSOLUTELY sure you are not setting this up under PERL 4. Ask your
administrator if you are not sure. l
lIf you need to review or learn the basics of
CGI and Perl check out the superscripts tutorial
l the tarfile for this program and
save it to your desktop.l
lUnpack the tar archive on your desktop using a
program that unpacks UNIX TAR ARCHIVES. If you don't have such a program then download
lAfter you have unpacked the TAR archive you
will have a collection of folders and files on your desktop. Now you have to do some
basic editing of each of these files (or at least some of them). Use a text editor
such as wordpad, notepad, BBEdit, simpletext, or teachtext to edit the files. These
are NOT WORD PROCESSOR DOCUMENTS they are just simple TEXT files so don't save them as
word processor documents or save them with extentions such as .txt or they will NOT WORK.
Note that there may be a some files inside of folders which are "blank".
This is normal.l
Preparing the CGI scripts
Define Path To PERL 5
The first step is to open up each and every
file that has a .cgi extention and edit line number one of each script. Each of the
cgi scripts is written in perl 5. For your scripts to run they must know where perl 5 is
installed on your web server. The path to perl 5 is defined to a cgi script in the first
line of the file. In each of the cgi scripts the first line of code looks something like
If the path to perl 5 on your web server is
different from /usr/bin/perl you must edit the first line of each cgi script to reflect
the correct path. If the path to perl 5 is the same no changes are necessary. If you do
not know the path to perl 5 ask the webmaster or system administrator at your server site.
Configure the .cgi files
portal.cgi (realtime operation)
There are two variable paths to edit inside
of portal.cgi. portal.cgi is what you will use to generate your results if you are
not running this by crontab.
$logfile =
This is the absolute path to your server log file
$rooturl =
This is the url to your index page
portal.cgi (crontab operation)
First you need to rename this file to
portal.cgi. There are two variable paths to edit inside of portal.cgi.
portal.cgi is what you will use to generate your results if you are not running this by
$logfile =
This is the absolute path to your server log file
$rooturl =
This is the url to your index page
$results =
This is the path to the results file that will be created when
crontab executes portal.cgi
Notes for running in realtime
Set the permission of portal.cgi to 755.
Your results can be obtained by simply calling the url of the script. Note that if you have large log files
you will be waiting awhile. If it takes over 400 seconds your browser may time
out. Its really better to run this by crontab that way the results are created
everyday for you and you dont have to wait for anything.
Notes for running via crontab
Crontab is just a file that runs on your
server which acts like an alarm clock. You add tasks to the crontab file and when
the "alarm" goes off the task is completed. There is alot of junk to learn
about editing crontab files which you will have to consult your unix book or ask your
system admin about for your specific server. I have enclosed an example crontab file
for you to look at which executes portal.cgi every night at midnight. You can set
it to run once per minute or once per year for that matter.
If you are running this by crontab you will
have to chmod 777 the directory that your results will be created inside of ($results).
You also have to chmod 755 portal.cgi.